5 Biggest Countries that Qualify for the Green Card Lottery

In this article, we take a look at the 5 biggest countries that qualify for the Green Card Lottery. For a detailed and comprehensive analysis, go to 15 Biggest Countries that Qualify for the Green Card Lottery.

5. Algeria

Winner Statistics DV-24: 5142

Algeria’s active involvement in this initiative with 5142 applications mirrors the shared aspirations of its people for a brighter tomorrow. This opportunity to immigrate to the US signifies their quest for stability, economic progress, and an elevated standard of living, underscoring the collective ambition for a more promising future.

4. Sudan

Winner Statistics DV-24: 5435

Sudan has been grappling with longstanding conflicts, economic difficulties, and political upheaval. The country’s citizens face challenges related to access to basic necessities, lack of infrastructure, and limited educational and economic opportunities. The Diversity Visa Program offers a glimmer of hope for Sudanese individuals seeking to escape these hardships.

3. Egypt

Winner Statistics DV-24: 5509

Egypt stands as the 3rd biggest country on our list of top Green Card Lottery. Despite being a regional hub, poverty and limited access to quality education and jobs affect a significant portion of its population. The attraction of the Green Card Lottery for Egyptians is the chance to find better opportunities in the United States, away from economic constraints and limited growth prospects at home.

2. Russia

Winner Statistics DV-24: 5514

While being a global power, Russia still faces socio-economic disparities, limited freedoms, and political uncertainties that drive certain individuals to seek opportunities elsewhere. Representation of 5514 entrants in the Green Card Lottery indicates a desire among Russians for a more stable and diverse environment, with access to different opportunities beyond those available within their homeland.

1. Uzbekistan

Winner Statistics DV-24: 5555

Uzbekistan stands at the forefront among the top 15 countries in the DV-24 Green Card Lottery, boasting the highest number of applicants. This surge in Uzbekistani candidates reflects a remarkable resilience, showcasing their determination to pursue a higher standard of living beyond the borders of Uzbekistan.

You can also take a look at our articles 10 Fastest Residency by Investment Programs in the World & 15 Easiest Countries to get Permanent Residency in Europe Without Investment.