5 Best Performing Cryptocurrencies of 2021

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1. The Sandbox (SAND)

Gain in Price in 2021: 15702.26%

The Sandbox was launched in 2011 as a platform supported by blockchain, where users can create, buy, and sell digital assets in a gaming format. The Sandbox offers a vibrant gaming community, with a decentralized platform that is powered by decentralized autonomous organizations and non-fungible tokens. The native SAND token allows for transactions on the platform, whose goal is to integrate blockchain into the gaming world. There is a maximum total supply of 3 billion SAND tokens. 

The Sandbox has received endorsements from big shots in the gaming industry, including brands like Atari, Helix, and CryptoKitties. Leveraging user generated content, the Sandbox is building a metaverse where players enable further development of the platform. 

The Sandbox is created on top of the Ethereum blockchain, which means that it is secured by the proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. SAND was one of the top gainers in the crypto world in 2021, returning 15702.26%. 

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