5 Best Duolingo Alternatives to Boost your Language Skills

In this article, we will look at the 5 best Duolingo alternatives to boost your language skills. If you want to read our detailed analysis of the language learning market, you can go directly to the 15 Best Duolingo Alternatives to Boost your Language Skills

5. Rosetta Stone

Customer Reviews: 6,906

Star Rating: 3.3

Rosetta Stone ranks 5th on our list with 6,906 customer reviews and a star rating of 3.3. Rosetta Stone uses cloud-based technology to provide language learners to speak, read, and write in more than 30 languages. The company is renowned for mobile applications and other practice tools to ease language learning.

4. Perply 

Customer Reviews: 12,585

Star Rating: 4.2

Preply is an online language learning marketplace that connects learners with tutors from all over the world, offering instruction in over 50 languages. The platform uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to recommend tutors based on the learner’s level, goals, and preferred teaching style. Perply ranks 4th on our list with 12,585 customer reviews. 

3. Italki

Customer Reviews: 12,957

Star Rating: 4.6

Italki is a HongKong based online education and training platform designed to teach various languages with the help of video sessions. The company’s online education and training platform connects candidates from other languages and regions to provide better language training, enabling users to learn various new languages interactively.

2. Busuu

Customer Reviews: 15,860

Star Rating: 4.5

Busuu by Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) is a language learning platform that offers varied vocabulary training courses. The platform offers courses in more than 12 languages and caters to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers. The company offers free and premium subscriptions with additional features like personalized study plans and grammar checks.

1. Babbel

Customer Reviews: 20,774

Star Rating: 3.8

Babbel is the best Duolingo Alternative to boost your language skills. The platform offers language learning lessons for various languages. It also offers regular feedback and review sessions to scale the language learning process and allows users to synchronize progress over various devices. Babbel offers language courses for individuals and businesses verified and certified by language experts. It has 20,774 customer reviews and a star rating of 3.8, across our sources.

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