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20 Happiest Cities in the World

In this article, we’ll explore the 20 happiest cities in the world. For a closer look at the happiest of them all, check out our article on the top 5 happiest cities in the world.

We all chase happiness, and it’s interesting to see how much the place we call home can influence our levels of joy and contentment. A recent study shows that factors specific to a location can have a direct impact on how satisfied we are with our lives. For instance, communities that suffer from high unemployment rates and lack of good job opportunities can lead to stress, which, over time, can result in long-term unhappiness. Likewise, the aesthetic charm of a place has the potential to affect the well-being of its residents on a day-to-day basis.

Urbanization is perhaps one of the major reasons why people search for the happiest cities in the world. Today, around 4.4 billion people—56% of the world’s population—live in cities. This number is expected to double its current size by 2050. Where it contributes to the economic growth of the country—as 80% of global GDP is generated in cities—rapid urbanization imposes challenges like a lack of affordable housing, unemployment, high crime rate, lack of public transport infrastructure, and more.

Given all these challenges, people search for the best cities to live where they can have a happy life with balance.

Some Factors Affecting Happiness in a City

Various factors play their role when it comes to finding happiness in a place. Urban design has a significant role in shaping a city’s scale of happiness. People prefer visiting and living in cities where urban planning takes center stage in enhancing the quality of life. Think of wide-open green spaces coexisting with efficient public transport where every corner is accessible, making daily life easy for residents.

A study uncovered a positive link between urban parks and the heightened sense of happiness expressed by residents. This association increased by almost 50% during the pandemic years compared to aggregate results, suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic intensified the desire among residents for urban parks with superior green spaces.

Economic prosperity is another key factor in determining happiness in a city. While money doesn’t guarantee happiness, economic stability undoubtedly facilitates it. In an economically stable city, citizens enjoy a high standard of living. Studies within the field of happiness economics consistently demonstrate that individuals residing in prosperous nations with top-tier institutions often report higher levels of happiness, compared to those in emerging economies with developing institutions. A simple comparison of self-reported life satisfaction and real GDP per capita reveals a solid, positive correlation that remains consistent over time.

Work-life balance also plays an important role in maintaining happiness. In our study, we find cities that boldly challenge the modern workaholic culture and focus on the importance of work-life balance. They promote time well spent with family, leisure activities, and personal development. In 2022, Copenhagen, Dublin, New York, Melbourne, Munich, Dubai, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin, and Dusseldorf emerged as the best work-life balance cities.

Finally, we can’t forget health and wellness when it comes to happiness in a city. The results of a study indicated a significant impact of the performance of healthy city programs on emotional well-being. It suggested that such initiatives effectively mitigate local residents’ negative emotions, including stress and depression, further stressing their role in promoting mental health.

Valery Bareta/


Happiness in a location is a complex variable, influenced by myriad factors; it cannot be quantified by a single metric. Elements such as quality of life, overall well-being, and political stability all play significant roles in shaping happiness levels.

Our study adheres to a comprehensive methodology, analyzing surveys and indices that measure various dimensions of life – from job security and public services to well-being and environmental factors.

The study compiles a list of the happiest cities in the world, drawing on four key metrics:

  •  Quality of life
  • Subjective well-being
  •  Work-life balance
  • Global city power

The data for each metric was collected from reputable resources, including the Monocle City Quality of Life Report, World Happiness Report, Inter Nation Expat City Index, and Global Power City Index.

The Monocle Quality of Life survey evaluated living conditions across 60 distinct metrics, including the cost of living, public transport, safety, climate, business conditions, and many others.

The World Happiness Report ranked cities based on measures of subjective well-being and overall daily life satisfaction.

The Inter Nation Expat City Index utilized 56 different criteria to rank the best and worst cities in the world, examining aspects like healthcare, leisure options, travel and transport, safety, climate, ease of settling in, job security, and work-life balance, among others.

The Global Power City Index assessed cities on their ‘magnetism,’ their ability to attract people, businesses, and capital from around the globe. This evaluation incorporated six functional areas of a city, including research and development, economy, livability, accessibility, cultural interaction, and environment, to analyze and rank the world’s happiest cities.

We meticulously analyzed each metric to determine the top-ranking happiest cities, assigning them an ‘Insider Monkey’ score ranging from 1 to 20. A score of 1 signifies the happiest city, while a score of 20 represents the city that, although still amongst the top 20 happiest, ranks lowest in our analysis.

Here is our list of the 20 happiest cities in the world 2023:

Top 20 Happiest Cities in the World

20. Seoul, South Korea

Insider Monkey score: 19

Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, offers an impressive quality of life owing to its advanced technology, excellent public transportation, rich cultural heritage, and a bustling economy. Despite being one of the most densely populated cities globally, it harmoniously blends tradition and modernity, providing an exciting and comfortable lifestyle for its inhabitants.

19. Barcelona, Spain

Insider Monkey score: 18

Barcelona provides a high quality of life for its residents with its exceptional Mediterranean climate, stunning architecture, and relaxed lifestyle. The city’s cultural richness, diverse food scene, beautiful beaches, and work-life balance contribute significantly to the happiness of its residents.

18. Tokyo, Japan

Insider Monkey score: 17

Tokyo is a city where tradition and modernity coexist in harmony. It is a dazzling metropolis known for its innovative technology, eclectic pop culture, and world-class gastronomy. At the same time, tranquil gardens, historic temples, and tea ceremonies provide peaceful retreats from the city’s fast-paced lifestyle. Tokyo’s efficient public transportation, high educational standards, and safe environment add to its residents’ quality of life.

17. Madrid, Spain

Insider Monkey score: 16

Madrid, known for its sunny weather, friendly locals, and rich culture, creates a happy living environment for its residents. The city’s excellent food, world-class museums, and vibrant nightlife, along with a slower pace of life compared to other major cities, are some of the many reasons that make it one of the best cities to live in the world.

16. Singapore, Singapore

Insider Monkey score: 15

Known for its cleanliness, safety, and economic prosperity, Singapore offers a high quality of life to its residents. Despite its small size, Singapore boasts a vibrant multicultural society, extensive green spaces, and excellent public services, making it one of the happiest places to live.

15. Paris, France

Insider Monkey score: 14

Despite its reputation as a bustling metropolis, Paris offers numerous parks, world-class cuisine, rich cultural offerings, and historical architecture that provide a quality lifestyle for its residents. The city’s embrace of leisure time and the good things in life plays a substantial role in residents’ overall happiness.

14. Vienna, Austria

Insider Monkey score: 13

Consistently ranked as one of the world’s most livable cities, Vienna is known for its rich cultural experiences, excellent public services, and a strong sense of community. Its residents enjoy a high quality of life with access to world-class music, art, and cuisine, as well as a well-maintained urban environment that promotes both leisure and productivity.

13. Brisbane, Australia

Insider Monkey score: 12

Known for its warm climate and vibrant arts scene, Brisbane is a city that promotes happiness with its combination of outdoor activities, cultural institutions, and laid-back lifestyle. The city’s lush parks and nearby beaches offer a relaxed pace of life, while the thriving economy provides ample job opportunities.

12. Toronto, Canada

Insider Monkey score: 11

One of the most multicultural cities in the world, Toronto boasts an impressive skyline, efficient healthcare, and a high standard of living. Its diverse food scene, world-class entertainment, and wealth of green spaces make it a place where people from all walks of life can find joy and community.

11. Auckland, New Zealand

Insider Monkey score: 10

Auckland’s balance between city living and nature is perhaps its biggest draw. With beautiful harbors, stunning landscapes, and a high quality of life, Auckland is the perfect place for those who want a bustling urban area with easy access to the great outdoors. The city’s clean air, emphasis on outdoor activities, and friendly atmosphere contribute to the happiness of its residents.

10. Oslo, Norway

Insider Monkey score: 9

Despite being a major city, Oslo is deeply connected with nature. From the Oslofjord’s tranquil waters to the city’s numerous parks and forests, residents have ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Add a prosperous economy and a strong focus on social equality, and it’s no wonder Oslo residents report a high level of happiness.

9. Sydney, Australia

Insider Monkey score: 8

Sydney combines urban bustle with breathtaking natural beauty. With its iconic Opera House, thriving job market, and stunning beaches, it’s a city where work and play merge seamlessly. Its multicultural society and dynamic food scene contribute to the city’s charm and happiness quotient.

8. Melbourne, Australia

Insider Monkey score: 7

Regularly topping liveability rankings, Melbourne is celebrated for its rich culture, culinary diversity, and the balance it maintains between work and leisure. The city’s love for sports, arts, and coffee culture, along with an emphasis on education and healthcare, contributes to its high happiness score.

7. Helsinki, Finland

Insider Monkey score: 6

Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world in 2023. Helsinki is a city in Finland where the standard of living is high, education is excellent, and public services work efficiently. The city’s design is human-centered, resulting in easily navigable and enjoyable spaces. Furthermore, the cultural focus on ‘sisu’ –a concept of resilience in the face of adversity— contributes to the happiness and well-being of its residents.

6. Zurich, Switzerland

Insider Monkey score: 6

With an impressive quality of life, a well-functioning government, and a strong economy, Zurich consistently ranks among the happiest places in the world. Its mix of modern urban life and stunning natural beauty, combined with an abundance of leisure activities and a focus on environmental sustainability, contribute to the well-being of its residents. It’s also considered a global financial center with exceptional infrastructure, cleanliness, and safety.

Click to continue reading and see the top 5 happiest cities in the world.

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Disclosure. None. 20 Happiest Cities in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

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A New Dawn is Coming to U.S. Stocks

I work for one of the largest independent financial publishers in the world – representing over 1 million people in 148 countries.

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Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

Here to answer that for us… and give away his No. 1 free AI recommendation… is 50-year Wall Street titan, Marc Chaikin.

Marc’s been a trader, stockbroker, and analyst. He was the head of the options department at a major brokerage firm and is a sought-after expert for CNBC, Fox Business, Barron’s, and Yahoo! Finance…

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