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15 Easiest Degrees That Pay Well

In this article, we will look at the 15 easiest degrees that pay well. We have also talked about the latest statistics related to college degree holders in the US. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Easiest Degrees That Pay Well.

In 2022, the Lumina Foundation released a report in which it highlighted that the percentage of working-age adults in the United States holding college degrees or similar postsecondary credentials had risen to 54.3%. This was a major increase from 2009 to 2021, where the percentage of adults aged 25 to 64 with college degrees, certificates, or industry-recognized certifications increased by over 16 percentage points. This increase also represents the highest attainment rate recorded since tracking began in 2008.

However, despite these promising developments, major disparities do persist across racial and ethnic lines. While attainment levels have risen across all demographics, major gaps remain as Black, Hispanic, Latinx and Native American adults still lag behind the national average of 46.5%.

Moreover, in 2021, nearly 38% of Americans aged 25 and older possessed a bachelor’s degree, with an additional 10.5% holding an associate degree. Over the past decade, this percentage has increased by 7.5 points. Interestingly, women now surpass men in college graduation rates, as 39% of women aged 25 and older have attained at least a bachelor’s degree compared to 37% of men in the same age group. This trend is more pronounced among younger adults, with 46% of women aged 25 to 34 holding bachelor’s degrees compared to 36% of men.

Racial and ethnic disparities do persist in college completion rates. In 2021, 61% of Asian Americans aged 25 and older held a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 42% of White adults, 28% of Black adults, and 21% of Hispanic adults. However, the share of bachelor’s degree holders has increased across all racial and ethnic groups since 2010.

While college graduates generally enjoy higher earnings and lower unemployment rates, recent graduates are more likely to be underemployed, with 41% of those aged 22 to 27 working in jobs that typically do not require a college degree. To read more about unemployment, see the European Countries with the Highest Unemployment Rates.

Now that we have established that college graduates have higher salaries in general, let’s look at some of the easiest careers that pay the most. While there are no easy majors that pay 6 figures, there are high-paying low-stress jobs without a degree like air traffic controller which only require an associate degree. In the US, younger individuals also pursue short degrees that pay well like webdesigning. To read more about such careers, see the Easiest Jobs That Pay $100K.

Before getting into our list of easiest degrees that pay well, let’s look at some of the multinationals that have been actively contributing to students and graduates around the world for a brighter future.

Since its inception, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been committed to supporting education especially with its advocacy for tax-deductible technology donations to schools and its donation of thousands of Apple II computers through programs like Kids Can’t Wait. Today, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) continues this legacy by offering educational discounts on a range of products like MacBooks, iPads, and more, with discounts typically around 10% off retail prices. This discount extends to teachers and students in K-12 and higher education institutions, as well as homeschool teachers and parents purchasing on behalf of students. These discounts make Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s technology more accessible to educational institutions and individuals.

Furthermore, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) provides a wealth of resources through its Apple Education Community, which is a free online platform designed to support teachers in utilizing Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) products effectively for their teaching practices. The Community includes forums for educators to connect, share experiences, and seek advice, as well as a Learning Center offering tutorials and lesson ideas in multiple languages.

On the other hand, in response to a nationwide shortage of truck drivers, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) has initiated a program to offer its employees the opportunity to become commercial truck drivers. With an enticing starting salary of up to $110,000 for first-year drivers and a 12-week training program, the retail giant aimed to fill the gap within its workforce of 1.6 million employees.  The program’s success was proved as the first batch of graduates observed substantial increases in their income.

Moreover, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT) also committed itself to diversity and inclusion by including women as a significant portion of the program’s participants. With women comprising 8.1% of the trucking industry’s professional drivers, Walmart Inc (NYSE:WMT)’s initiative contributed to breaking gender barriers in a historically male-dominated field.

A modern student in a classroom with a laptop, symbolizing the modern education environment.

Our Methodology

To list the easiest degrees that pay well, we identified degrees with two main characteristics that are often associated with “easy” degrees. Firstly, we looked for degrees with limited math or science requirements as they are perceived to be easier for students who largely struggle in the areas. Secondly, we looked for degrees that had low coursework complexity which usually are programs that rely heavily on memorization rather than critical analysis or problem-solving. We used Reddit as our primary source to gauge the opinions of Americans regarding these two factors related to college degrees and hence, identified 25 such degrees.

Of those 25, the 15 with the highest average salaries of graduates in the respective fields were eventually selected and have been presented in ascending order of average salaries below. We obtained the data on average salaries for these degrees from

Please note that the data points covering median salaries, job growth percentages, and numbers of job openings for each role have also been primarily obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the year 2023.

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15. Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education

Average Salary: $54,000

This is one of the unique degrees that pay well. It is worth highlighting that preschool teachers require no prior work experience or on-the-job training. With a projected job outlook of 3% from 2022 to 2032, an estimated 17,200 new positions are expected to open within this period. With over half a million jobs in 2022, the profession plays a key role in laying the educational groundwork for children’s future success.

14. Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Average Salary: $58,000

Social workers have a median salary of $58,380 per year. Unlike some professions, entry-level social workers often don’t need prior work experience, but on-the-job training is common. With a projected job growth of 7% from 2022 to 2032, the field is expected to add 53,800 new jobs.

To become a social worker, one can also obtain an associate degree of two years in social work, making it one of the quickest degrees to get.

13. Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

Average Salary: $65,000

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is a 4-5 year undergraduate degree with a focus on creative and visual arts. Typical majors include art education, dance, film, music education, and theater. The typical cost for pursuing this degree averages $10,740 annually for in-state students at public institutions. BFA graduates can pursue careers as graphic designers, video producers, photographers, or teachers, with entry-level salaries of around $65,000.

12. Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies

Average Salary: $66,000

In 2021, the field of Philosophy and Religion boasted 495,600 employed individuals, with a median annual wage of $60,000. Despite its often abstract nature, philosophy and religion offer viable career paths across different occupations.

It is interesting to note that Maryland and Massachusetts are the highest-paying states for religious teachers in the US with average salaries of $120,650 and $117,520.

11. Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Average Salary: $67,000

In the US, pursuing a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice requires completing around 120 credits over four years. Three primary degree options are available for majors like Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences. The coursework covers different aspects of the criminal justice system like criminology, forensic science, criminal law, and ethics. Admission typically requires a high school diploma or GED, official transcripts, minimum GPA, and standardized test scores.

10. Bachelor of Science in Marketing

Average Salary: $67,990

Bachelor of Science in Marketing is one of the easiest degrees to get a job with due to its high demand and potential. While the average salary of marketing majors in the US is around $67,990, salaries for managerial roles in the field are exceptionally high. For example, advertising, promotions, and marketing managers earned a median salary of $156,580 annually in 2023. With 389,000 jobs in 2022, this field is expected to grow 6% from 2022 to 2032 which will result in 24,300 new positions.

9. Bachelor of Arts in English

Average Salary: $68,000

The English language teaching market in the United States saw significant activity in 2022. With 750 active providers nationwide, California was the hub with 16% of the total, followed closely by Florida and New York. These institutions enrolled a combined total of 70,579 students.

Moreover, With so many online options available to pursue a degree in English Language, it is one of the easy online degrees that pay well. To read about companies offering English teaching opportunities, see 13 Best Companies for Teaching English Online.

8. Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

Average Salary: $68,300

While Anthropology is often considered one of the easiest college majors, there are only 6290 accredited anthropologists across the US. Moreover, a bachelor’s in anthropology typically spans 120 credits, though some programs like Oregon State University’s online course require 180. From anthropologists with a median salary of $63,940 to historians earning $64,540 annually, the field offers a plethora of different occupational options.

7. Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Average Salary: $69,000

One of the biggest reasons why psychology is one of the highest-paying careers in the US is the pressing need for the profession in the country. With over 50 million American adults facing mental health issues and a major portion not receiving essential care as of 2022, the demand for psychologists is undeniably high. Despite the prevalence of conditions like depression and anxiety, many individuals remain untreated.

6. Bachelor of Arts in Communications

Average Salary: $70,000

A communications college degree holds paramount importance in today’s media landscape. According to a recent survey by Boston University’s College of Communication, 72% of Americans acknowledge the need of media literacy skills to combat misinformation. However, only 42% know how to access quality media literacy training online. This explains why it is becoming one of the most popular degree choices as it is also one of the easiest degrees to make money.

Click here to see the 5 Easiest Degrees That Pay Well.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Easiest Degrees That Pay Well is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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