10x Genomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TXG) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Justin McAnear: So, Europe had a solid quarter this past quarter. And I think there’s probably a number of reasons for that. I think looking at the year-over-year compare, it was a favorable compare going back to 2021, the end of 2021, when the Omicron rose, we saw that impact in Europe during the last two weeks of the quarter. I think operationally, we had some challenges in the middle part of the year that I believe that we’ve improved and mostly recovered from going into Q4. But it definitely seems like things in Europe have been more stable, and the trends over this last quarter have definitely been encouraging. One thing to add as well, though, and this impacts Europe and other geographies as well as coming into the beginning of 2023, we executed the largest annual price increase that we’ve ever done.

And so, I do believe that there has been some — there’s always some pull forward when you have a price increase, but this being the largest one that we’ve done going from Q4 into Q1. I do think that it was likely a little bit more than we’ve seen in the past. And it’s a little bit too early right now to tell how much of that was pulled forward and how much of that was regular demand. And so, I think we need a few more data points before we start calling a new trend, in particular in Europe, but just in the worldwide as well.

John Sourbeer: Thanks. My follow-up was going to be on pricing, but maybe just kind of into high-level question here. I guess when you think about now post the AGBT and the conversation from your customers, I guess, where do you see the most excitement coming when you look through the different platforms from the year? And you have any shift in those dynamics there between spatial and single-cell?

Serge Saxonov: Yes, that’s a good question. We actually like try and rank order ourselves, and it’s challenging. There’s tons and tons of excitement coming out of AGBT, certainly on the single-cell side. We showed how the scaling potential of the Chromium platform, and it’s pretty astounding with 10 million cell experiments. And all kinds of data that you can get from a single sample. And we showed on the Visium side, we showed this Visium HD data and in parallel, there’s huge resonance with CytAssist and what is enabling, hearing people that have more — a lot more demand than the capacity to run it at this stage. And we are — and also Xenium, again, we showed the features — the great features of the instrument, the platform itself right now really, really clean data, high sensitivity, high specificity.

It has the best throughput in the market by far, has great workflow, really, really sophisticated software, which has gotten tons of resonance from people. And then at AGBT, in particular, we talked about also about long-term development directions, and those also resonated really strong with people, whether it’s levels in the future, improvements to cell segmentation or like really excitingly, all the different kinds of analyses. You can actually analyze with Xenium using our chemistry that you can’t with really any other approach, being able to look at individual single nucleotide variants and cancer samples and isoforms. So, lots and lots of excitement both around like what the platforms could do right now and sort of the direction that they’re going in.

And it’s very hard to pick any particular one as the winner.

Operator: Thank you. That concludes today’s 10x Genomics fourth quarter and full year 2022 earnings conference call. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day. You may now disconnect your lines.

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