10 Cities with the Most Skyscrapers in the World

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3. Shenzhen, China

Number of all buildings: 353

Number of buildings above 100m: 319

Number of buildings above 150m: 283

Number of buildings above 200m: 96

Number of buildings above 300m: 12

Shenzen has a population of 3,538,27 on a land area of 412 km (159 mi2). Shenzen is the main financial centre in South China. Its first high-rise building, the International Foreign Trade Center, was constructed in 1985.  It’s 160 m  (525 ft) tall with 50 floors wbove ground and 3 floors under ground. If you want to see the city’s 289 completed buildings above 150 m, you will need couple of weeks. It also has 13 completed constructions above 300 m, while 12 other ones are awaiting to be completed. The tallest skyscraper in Shenzen is the Ping An Finance Center with its awe-inspiring sight, as it’s 599 m tall. These buildings are commonly offices (56%), and are made of concrete (58%).

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