Blackberry Market Share: Will Research In Motion Follow Nokia Downhill in this Emerging Market?

Blackberry Market Share: A growing number of smartphone companies are looking for a way to break into emerging markets. These companies include both Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) and Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK).

These two companies share one thing in common: they were both at the top of the industry at some point in time. It was not too long ago that BBRY and NOK were leading the way, with everybody else in the rearview mirror. However, things have changed quite a bit and now these two companies are fighting for market share at the bottom of the industry.

Research In Motion Ltd (BBRY)With all this in mind, Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) and Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) are struggling to break into new markets. For example, Deutsche Bank believes that BlackBerry could be going down the same path as Nokia in India  – and that is not a good thing.

According to a report by, Deutsche Bank “recently conducted a survey of the India handset market, and based on analysts’ conclusions there is mounting pressure on Blackberry and Nokia.”

If you look at what has happened to Nokia in the past, you may begin to worry that BlackBerry has no way of avoiding the same fate.

Brian Modoff, analyst for Deutsche Bank, added the following information:

“Unfortunately, the story of Nokia in India could be a harbinger of what is to come for Blackberry, as a unit decline in sales of low-end devices has not been mitigated by a refreshed, high-end line-up.”

While Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) is releasing new devices in other parts of the world, such as the Q10 in Canada, it appears that the once dominant smartphone company is slacking in India.

Modoff believes that BBRY is taking entirely too long to launch a “low-priced BB10” to consumers in this country. While they are sure to get around to it at some point, the concern is this: it may be too late at that point.

While the continual decline of Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) and Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) may be inevitable in India, this gives the competition, including Samsung and Apple, the chance to grab ahold of a larger piece of the pie.

The article goes on to state:

“A break down respondents’ current handset ownership compare to the past two years showed share loss for Nokia and Blackberry, and gains for Samsung, Apple and HTC.”

It will be interesting to see what the future holds for BlackBerry and Nokia in the Indian market. Will the companies be able to turn things around? Or will the competition continue to thrive?

Check back here for more updates on Blackberry Market Share.

DISCLOSURE: I have no positions in any stock mentioned.

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