Why Marathon Petroleum Corp (MPC) Earnings Are At Risk

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Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) will release its quarterly report tomorrow, and investors have gotten a lot more anxious about the prospects for the refining company’s future. With one important advantage that the company benefited from having all but disappeared, Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) earnings will be under pressure and could remain so for some time.

Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC)The good times for refining stocks came from the fact that they were able to buy cheap crude from domestic producers at much cheaper prices than what prevailed on world markets. They then took advantage of high prices for refined products to sell into the world market at an immense profit. But as those tailwinds dissipate, Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) and its peers now face higher input costs and potentially burdensome new regulation that could require massive capital expenditures. Let’s take an early look at what’s been happening with Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) over the past quarter and what we’re likely to see in its quarterly report.

Stats on Marathon Petroleum

Analyst EPS Estimate $1.90
Change From Year-Ago EPS (25%)
Revenue Estimate $23.57 billion
Change From Year-Ago Revenue 16.4%
Earnings Beats in Past 4 Quarters 3

Source: Yahoo! Finance.

Are Marathon Petroleum earnings doomed to fall?
Analysts have slashed their views in recent months on Marathon Petroleum Corp (NYSE:MPC) earnings, cutting more than $1 per share from their June-quarter estimates and more than $2.50 per share from full-year 2013 expectations. The stock has followed suit, falling 10% since late April.

Marathon has already warned investors that its second quarter could look ugly. A couple weeks ago, the company said that it expected net income to come in between $570 million and $600 million, a far cry from the $814 million from the year-ago quarter. Narrowing margins were largely to blame for the drop in earnings.

The trend toward narrowing spreads between West Texas Intermediate and Brent crude prices has gone on for some time. The impact showed up in Marathon’s results last quarter, although maintenance costs played an important role. Yet rival Valero Energy Corporation (NYSE:VLO) managed to sustain and even grow its margins in the first quarter, although it recently saw those throughput margins fall fairly significantly in its second-quarter results last week.

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