Odey, Egerton and Marshall Wace’s Short on Alcatel Lucent (ALU) and Peugeot

According to the AMF on Friday, three hedge funds are reducing their short position in Alcatel Lucent SA (NYSE:ALU):

The British management company Odey Asset Management has continued to reduce its short position on Alcatel-Lucent moving its short position from 2.13% of the issued share capital on November 7 to 1.81% of the issued share capital on November 8.

Crispin Odey

The British hedge fund Egerton Capital has also reduced its short position  to 0.53% stake in Alcatel Lucent SA (NYSE:ALU) on Nov. 8 from  0.66% of the issued share on November 1.

The British hedge fund Marshall Wace has also continued to reduce its short position from 0.82% stake in Alcatel Lucent SA (NYSE:ALU) on November 6 to 0.74% of the capital on November 8.

The British hedge fund Marshall Wace , has increased its short position in  Peugeot SA (EPA:UG) to  0.65% issued share capital in the automaker on November 5. Marshall Wace previously held a net short position of 0.53% of the issued share capital of Peugeot  on November 2.