MG Siegler is Blogger Turned Venture Capitalist

TechCrunch blogger MG Siegler announced yesterday that he would join former boss Michael Arrington as a partner in Crunch Fund. The only question is how the 29-year-old will handle venture capitalism.

The Next Generation of Tech VCs

His odds are actually pretty good. Being young and connected in today’s technology-intense world could be more important than business or finance experience – at least in the VC game. After all, if you understand why people are buying something or hopping onto whatever trend, you don’t necessarily need to be that skilled at forecasting. Many of the newest VC’s, a sort of next GEN group, appeal more to the emerging young entrepreneurs. They can relate to this group more because they dress the way they do, listen to the same music and, to an extent, use the same technologies.

Keeping Business Character

Granted, it’s not picking a friend – it’s a matter of picking a venture capitalist. The major drawback is that the relationship may prove to be challenging in that the entrepreneurs want to make sure they’re not going to lose the character of their business to the man in the suit.