Is Apple A Good Stock To Buy Right Now?

In the area of consumer electronics, it is rare that a company has a strong hold on more than a couple different staple products or devices. The Apple (AAPL) line of products includes the iPad, Macbook, iMac, and iPhone, which are the premier products in their respective tablet, laptop, desktop, and cell phone markets. In the past two years alone, for example, over 100 million iPhones have been sold to a variety of markets. Overall, Apple derives most of its revenue from the Americas (45%) and Europe (20%). Not to be underestimated, the Apple TV, iPad, and iPhone are integrated seamlessly with iTunes, the world’s largest vendor of recorded music.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)

I advocate a 1-year and 5-year buy position on Apple shares. Additionally, with continued efforts on the managerial end, the Apple stock has become a more attractive, overweight holding for a healthy portfolio. This is an opportune time for investors to beef-up their allocation of Apple shares within their tech sector holdings.

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