Hewlett-Packard Company (HPQ) Has No Choice

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The last remaining curveball is Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY), which has hinted at possible licensing deals. BlackBerry and Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ)have a large customer overlap within the enterprise, and some co-branding could actually prove quite effective there. BlackBerry’s last quarter was dismal, and even Jefferies analyst Peter Misek (a vocal bull), has slightly changed his tune and says the company needs to focus more on software at this point. Specifically, BlackBerry’s biggest opportunity may lie in mobile device management, or MDM. Licensing BlackBerry 10 to HP could be a step in that direction, focusing on MDM and other services while HP handles the hardware.

Unfashionably late
Within the broader computing market, smartphones are the volume leader by far. HP’s PC dominance won’t do it any favors, as mobile adoption continues unabated. Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) has no choice but to re-enter the smartphone market, but there’s simply no way for it to do so in a differentiated way anymore considering how tardy it is to the party.

The article Hewlett-Packard Has No Choice originally appeared on Fool.com.

Fool contributor Evan Niu, CFA, owns shares of Qualcomm. The Motley Fool recommends Google. The Motley Fool owns shares of Google, Microsoft, and Qualcomm.

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