Google Inc (GOOG): Could Google Glass Already Be So 2014?

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Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has successfully built up the most-hyped technology product of the last half-century with Sergey Brin walking around New York for months with Google Glass on his face. It has been so hyped and so talked about that there are already ordinance, regulations and laws on the books preventing  devices like Google Glass from being worn in certain public places. Let’s face it, it has been a while since  any government entity has been proactive enough to pass laws banning devices that don’t officially exist yet.

Larry PageBut heck, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) probably already knew it was creating a monster when it didn’t even allow its own creation into the company’s annual shareholder meeting this week. Paranoid much? Or is it about pictures of Larry Page would be akin to making a likeness of Islam’s Mohammed? Well, what if Google Glass, an intrusive as it potentially could be yet oh-so-cool, be deemed obsolete before it hits the market early next year?

We all know that technology innovates and evolves quickly – don’t we already feel that the iPhone 5 and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) iOS 6 are old? – but this just might be one of those things that takes the cake. As people are already a bit skittish about Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) and what it does with its Glass, can you imagine what could happen if even Glass is too bulky and similar wearable computers  can fit right on our eyeballs? This story crossed our desk at the Insider Monkey newsroom, and we found it fascinating. Apparently a group of researchers in Korea have successfully developed a proof-of-concept for a contact-lens computer. We are not making this up.

According to the report, these researchers took an inorganic light-emitting diode (ILED) and placed it inside a common contact lens then tested the lens on rabbits and found that it did not cause any harm to the animals or their eyes. So far, the same can be said for Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Glass – except for the potential harm to privacy, but that is for another day. OK, so the “display” only measured one pixel across, but this could open up some new possibilities in tech. The new technology is called a hybrid transparent and stretchable diode, which could develop  more flexible displays, solar cells and perhaps even a whole new class of computer devices. What does it take to make this work? Well it seems to be very technical, so bear with us.

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