Facebook Inc. (FB) and Google Inc. (GOOG) Talk About Glass

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Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) seems to be getting closer and closer to having wearable computing through its Google Glass project, which Google co-founder Sergey Brin has been spotted wearing the fancy eyewear in public as part of internal testing. Google now is putting forth a contest to try to get a select number of public testers of the project as it moves to the next step before being available for public consumption. The buzz over Google Glass is whipping around, so much so that a fellow Silicon Valleyan admitted excitement about getting his own pair. And for a few minutes, Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg was able to take Brin’s or a spin.

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) chief Zuck is apparently ready to develop an app for Google Glass, as he was spotted having about a 10-minute conversation with Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) co-founder Brin in the corner of a meeting hall on the campus of the University of California, San Francisco, after the two helped announced their companies’ collaboration on the Breakthrough Prize for Life Sciences.  Reportedly during this conversation, Zuck tried on Brin’s Google Glass eyewear and peppered Brin with questions about the new wearable computer. Zuckerberg said that his company has three engineers – headed by a former Google staffer – ready to develop for Glass once the device is shipped to them for development purposes.

Google Inc. (GOOG)Zuckerberg of Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) asked Brin some basic questions as well as some techie questions, trying to get some inside information about how the new device works. Brin put his eyewear on Zuck and helped Zuckerberg scroll through several screens using his left hand against Zuck’s temple, while Zuck asked the Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) co-founder his questions, which ranged from “How do you look through these glasses without looking awkward or breaking eye contact?” to “Can the wearer send data without going though Google’s servers?”

What about this contest for a chance to be a public tester of Google Glass?

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