Facebook Trusted Contacts: Facebook Adds Cool New Trust Feature

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Facebook Trusted Contacts: At times, it may appear that companies such as Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) don’t care about user privacy. Of course, regardless of how things seem on the outside, nothing could be further from the truth.

Facebook Inc. (FB)Facebook is well aware that privacy, trust, and security are a big part of its business. If anything goes wrong in one of these areas, big trouble could follow.

For this reason, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is always looking for a way to take trust and security to the next level.

With this in mind, the social networking giant recently enabled the “Trusted Contacts” privacy feature.

Before we go any further, take a look at the image below for an idea of what this is all about and what you should be looking for on Facebook:

Facebook Inc (FB)

As you can see, this is a simple addition but one that is definitely going to make things better for all of Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)’s users.

In short, this feature allows you to add three to five people from your friend list who can receive a virtual key to your account.

With this feature, if your account is hacked or you forget the password, these people are able to supply you the code so you can log back in and take care of everything.

If you think you have heard about this in the past, you are probably right. In October 2011, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) talked about the feature which was then going to be called Trusted Friends.

Frederic Wolens of Facebook Policy Communications recently supplied more information to ReadWrite. Here is what he had to say:

“However, we were only testing for the first part of last year [2012], and the feature actually wasn’t available for much of 2012. The bulk of our work was making this more proactive (allowing you to select your friends ahead of time) than reactive (selecting your friends after you couldn’t get into your account).”

The only potential problem with this feature is that people may not know it exists. Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is hoping to spread the word on its own, while also letting people tell others about it.

As people begin to add friends to their list, those same people will do the same.

If nothing else, this is just another step by Facebook that shows how important security and privacy has become to the company.

Facebook also released a video; it’s on the following page:

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