Apple Stock Price Per Share: Chris Whitmore Talks Apple Stock Price

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“Whitmore estimates that there are about 400 million iPhones, iPads and iPod touches in use. With 40 billion cumulative application downloads, he estimates that there are about 100 applications downloaded per device.”

If these numbers are correct, his argument that the iOS platform could drive a “comeback” appears to be on solid ground. He also added:

“iOS users have made a significant investment in time and dollars into the iOS platform, and as a consequence the switching costs are remarkably high.”

In other words, he feels that people have so much invested in Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) devices that making a change is not realistic.

Deutsche Bank has set a price target of $575 for Apple stock.

Check back here for more updates on Apple Stock Price Per Share.

DISCLOSURE: I have no positions in any stock mentioned.

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