Apple Inc. (AAPL) – Q&A: Ashton Kutcher Talks About Becoming Steve Jobs

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AP: Why do you think now is the right time for this story? It isn’t too soon?

Kutcher: As time passes, I think the tales get taller. He’ll become more glorified for the things he did right, and more vilified for the things he did wrong. We had a great opportunity to tell a story about a guy with an exponential amount of resources to inform us about what really happened — or as close to what really happened as they can recall.

AP: How do you feel about Steve Wozniak declaring some scenes weren’t accurate after he saw footage of the film?

Kutcher: Steve Wozniak is being paid by another company to support their Steve Jobs film. It’s personal for him, but it’s also business. We have to keep that in mind. He was also extremely unavailable to us when producing this film. He’s a brilliant man and I respect his work, but he wasn’t available to us as a resource, so his account isn’t going to be our account because we don’t know exactly what it was. We did the best job we could. Nobody really knows what happened in the rooms.

The article Q&A: Ashton Kutcher Talks About Becoming Steve Jobs originally appeared on and is written by Associated Press.

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