Apple Inc. (AAPL) is Removing Limits and Putting Up a Fence

Good news for all you compulsive photo snappers: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has removed Photo Stream and iCloud photo sharing limits, so snap and share away!

As Kayla Edrington of Sidhtech writes, the company has torn down the walls without a great deal of fanfare.

Even though users can upload as many pictures as they want to iCloud Photo Sharing and Photo Stream, there are limits to the number of photos that can be uploaded each hour, day, and month to stall any attempts at “excessive” picture uploading.

So, what do these limits look like? It seems that for Apple Photo Stream, users can upload 1000 pictures an hour, 10,000 pictures a day, and 25,000 per month.

Previous limits stood at 1,000 photo uploads total for Photo Stream. Photo streams can be subscribed  to by 100 users, and users can subscribe to 100 streams of their own.

As Edrington writes, “The iCloud Photo Sharing, users can share 1000 photos and videos combined for each hour which mounts to 10,000 total of photos and videos for each day.”

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)

Apple Store about to open in the Netherlands?

Just in time for the holidays, the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s Apple Store in Haarlem (Netherlands, not New York) is set to open.

Observers have identified a pattern of a fence, followed painted website URL outside the location, with a store opening shortly thereafter.

Good news for Dutch Apple (couldn’t resist) fanboys and fangirls: The fence, Apple logo, and painted URL have appeared.

Of course, the Netherlands is the seat of several “Steve Jobs Schools”

As Apple Insider reports, the schools “Operate under a completely new philosophy that puts technology — namely Apple technology — at the heart of the classroom. Instead of textbooks, rigid schedules and a highly structured course of study, students are given a portable “virtual school” consisting of a single iPad loaded with specialized apps.”

Clearly, the Netherlands embrace of Apple’s technology is a strong one. Thus, the decision to open additional rooftops in that country is a good one.